Its’ not often a new product comes along trying to change our choices in educational furniture. In the early 2000’s it was a one piece plastic chair from a company called Postura that thought the future of schools was a move away from wooden and metal framed seating, at first people thought it would never take off, but now one piece plastic chairs are the standard in education today with various other models such as the Chevon/en one and Titan chair.
Well this time it’s a one piece plastic table. Plastic school table I hear you say! Yes but a table with a difference!
Stax can be stacked for storage, is easily transportable, durable, lightweight and 100% recyclable. The Stax table can be used in multiple environments from classrooms to cafeterias and even exam halls. The table can offer you the flexibility for adaptable settings with the use of the Stax connnected. Plus available in 6 heights to accompany the innovative en one piece plastic chair.
Rather than me try to explain, take a look at the launch video here:
So what’s the main difference in this table. Yes it stacks 15 high straight and securely, its strong (in fact it supported a taxi on top of it – video here), but what sets it apart? How will this change classrooms?
The Stax table is multi-functional and can be used as a single, double, block or in rows by incorporating a simple connector, enabling schools to easily move, store and adopt varying classroom layouts depending on the lesson.
Exciting isn’t it! A product that really wants to make a change in schools today. We love the way a classroom can be easily moved around for either single learning, double and groups. Being able to adapt the room to optimise students retention in lessons, separate for exam rooms and put in rows for lunch times etc. A table that is just not a table, a multi-functional product!
We are offering our local schools to see and try the table out as we would love to hear your feedback. You can arrange a free sample here where we can demonstrate then leave with you for a few days to use.
For your reference below is a list of its main features. You can also buy from our shop here.